36 Black Women Share Powerful Messages to Their Younger Selves
Featured Artwork by: Jessica Spencer
The words we are affirmed with as a child often stay with us as we blossom into women. I’m sure we can all relate to our mommas, aunties etc. pouring into us, but we wanna know – what would you, tell you? We recently took to the MyBrownBox community to ask what message would we leave the younger versions of ourselves.
We received an outpouring of responses from black women leaving beautiful messages to the amazing black girls they once were. Check out their words of wisdom to their younger selves below. Feel free to leave a message for the little girl in you too <3.
1. shareneashley - Trust your gut.
2. bevthecreatress - Don't be afraid to bet on yourself and go for your dreams. It's the best risk you can take. 💕
3. meanttobeyasmine - You’re good enough, I promise you 🙏🏽
4. erinlachica - Stay true to yourself
5. creneemonae - Your voice matters more than you know and YOU ARE beautiful.
6. lanalanexo - You are capable of so much more than you think you are. 💕✨
7. _artheena_ - You're lovable and not alone 😙
8. _k_ebonyjoy - Please, I implore you, stop looking for ppl to validate you. You are so much wiser than you know. Also, please stop looking for Disney love, shit aint real.
9. supremevixen - Stop apologizing for being YOU💕
10. bananas4deanna - It's going to happen anyway, so just enjoy the ride
11. handsfullx2 - When people tell you “be yourself” it really means the self you are now is the self you will always be. Honor her, listen to her and find ways to live with joy.
12. via.simone - Don’t get caught up in what others say about you. Believe in yourself first and always.
13. mackenziejenkins - Be patient with yourself. Stay kind. Always choose YOU.
14. teegotdafro - Be more confident in yourself and your beauty. U know u have it.
15. isawelly - Dont be so shy, things will turn around and your confidence will grow. Also you will shave your hair so don’t worry about having to do your hair your whole life.😂
16. ____delali - Stop trying to be like other people and love you. 😍
17. greatbrittla - Don’t take everything personally.
18. sugarlovespice - Don't worry, its gonna get better, promise.
19. denniece_marquis - Your sensitivity will be your super power... use it wisely.
20. habiba_abdulrahim_art - Be kind, gentle, and loving to yourself. You don't have to have the answers; you may fail and you may even be wrong...but do that thing anyway. You deserve respect, love, and joy on your own terms; never settle. Be soft; there is no shame in it. You don't have to carry the weight alone... seek help when needed. Be still, listen, and trust.
21. tatiannabwell - You don’t need validation from anyone , don’t let people take advantage of your kind heart . Put out love and don’t sweat the little things . You’re amazing. 💖
22. baby.face.angel - While it’s wise to listen to wisdom from parents, friends, & etc praying and OBEYING God trumps all 🙏🏽
23. fro_yonce - It’s okay. They won’t matter in the next few months. Their words will linger, but they become additions to your armor. Stay soft, stay kind. Take no shit. You’ll be alright I promise.
24. toffeecrisp25 - You are good enough just the way you are.. Stop hiding .. Shine
25. georgianaburx -Never beg for friendship.
26. georgianaburx - Never try to fit in
27. mariahdyson - you are limitless 💫
28. illmatic_______ - Make loving yourself a priority. Also, live a little and take more risks, don’t dwell in your warm little cocoon.
29. _hodaxo - Take those risks, know that you’re on the outskirts of what’s considered “popular” for a reason and lean into your fear to watch a waterfall of greatness pour over you, beloved 💖
30. soundslikefire - Believe in yourself fiercely
31. camybox10 - The pain won't last always.. but the curls are here to stay. Don't give up on what is natural. ✊🏽
32. sparklek426 - Keep going 👊🏿
33. ogbreezus - The pain and trials you go through will make a great story in the future
34. victoria.p.allen - You define who you are
35. itsmeneisey - Let go of any and everything that doesn’t bring you happiness or peace! You are amazing! You are good enough! You are worth it!
36. gustavo_fit - Legacy. 😎